KATO's Laser Designer

Tell us about yourself. What led you get into this industry?
I moved to Los Angeles twenty years ago from Guatemala, pursuing my passion for graphic design. Being in an environment where you can't stop thinking about how to make things better has given me the ability to create a concept using laser technology, it solidified my passion for creating designs and I knew immediately that Laser Designer was the right career path for me. I love the idea of being able to leave a small mark of art on a pair of jeans.
How did you learn how to design laser print?
Well it all started as an operator, seeing how technology could be used in something that could only be done manually inspired me to create the same effect but using laser technology, throughout my career I was able to meet people who helped me achieve my goal. By being patient, paying close attention, and following instructions, I was able to use different concepts to create my own.
Tell us sustainability of laser print?
Some denim brands have adopted laser technology as a suitable substitute for traditional denim finishing methods such as sandblasting. It is the fastest growing and most widely accepted technique in the denim market, as this technology has made denim green. This method creates patterns such as points, lines, text, and even images that are run through a computer-managed process.
The technology has been successful because the techniques are much safer, environmentally friendly, and economical. In addition, the advanced technology used in these techniques offers not only visual variation, but also gives designers the opportunity to make creative contributions. In addition, it saves time and reduces the cost of production.
The technology can not only replicate the exact abrasion pattern, but can also create different types of worn-look designs and patterns.
Can you tell us story of creating Ace Wash?
Ace wash, was created as a concept as a demonstration of the qualities of laser technology, when the designer of KATO saw the design immediately he imagined it one of his garments, clearly being able to represent all the art and detail was always a challenge, but the result was excellent.